Listen also
Jacaranda FM
Ukhozi FM
Heart 104.9 FM
Bush 89.5 FM
Jozi FM 105.8
Izwi LoMzansi 98.0 FM
Pretoria FM
Zibonele FM 98.2
Mahikeng FM 96.7
Kasie FM 97.1
Kurara FM
Mix 93.8 FM
Star 91.9 FM
Ingwane FM
Bay FM 107.9
IFM 102.2
Radio BOP
Kopanong FM
Helderberg 93.6 FM
Koepel Stereo 94.9 FM
Caledon FM
Today 1485 AM
Tuks FM 107.2
Radio Hindvani is the largest community station broadcasting on 91.5 FM in Durban and 102.3 FM in Pietermaritzburg. It's was founded in 1998 and is aimed at those who love Hindi and Hindu culture. On the air you can listen to quality content with news reports, entertainment and music shows, as well as educational programs.
Slogan: "Voice of Hindi"
First air date: 1998
Owner: Hindi Shiksha Sangh
Ashok Kumar Dhanishwar
Meena Mothilall
Vinay Hansraj
Anesh Dusrath
Avidesh Raghubar
Sadhna Dayanand
Monica Singh
Asha Thakor
Pravesh Sunker
Renuja Barsathy
- Pietermaritzburg 102.3 FM
- Durban 91.5 FM
- Website:
- Address: 30 Oak Avenue, Kharwastan Durban, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa.
- Phone number: studio: +2731 401 1122, office: +2731 401 0044.
- E-mail:,